Friday, April 20, 2007

"Tom-Tom" Barnard

For our upcoming story I will be profiling Thomas Barnard, also known as “Tom-Tom“. Thomas, 23, is lives behind Rebounds sports bar, which he also frequents. He has been attending Sierra college for the past four years and plans on becoming a zookeeper someday.

From the first five minutes I met Thomas I knew he was the quirkiest person I ever met. His apartment has an entire wall of 4x6 photo frames devoted to head and group shots of his friends and family, most of them crooked. My assumptions about him were confirmed when he pulled up his shirt and showed me his stick figure tattoo on his stomach, which looks like a 3-year-old drew on him.

These are just some of his many oddities. However, when he goes to work at his two jobs as a server (at Crush 29 and Sweetwater) he is as professional as it gets. His guests would have no idea about the true Tom-Tom.

I am still trying to figure out what direction to head in for the story and any suggestions would be appreciated and would like to “shadow“ him for a night, which I plan on doing this weekend. I have also sent out emails to several of his close friends asking for quotes about Tom-Tom. Out of curiosity, does this sound like a story you all would be excited to read?

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